Sunday, October 19, 2008

Come Back

After a long time, I come back again. I was so busy about Ajman site. I was working with Rahman to make it complete and now it comes up.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Live Help

You can see the finalized web site of Calgary right now. All member of Realtyna are supposed to add live help to their blogs. You can keep in touch with us for get your requirments information here.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What a city!

Realtyna programming team are finishing our new web site for Calgary . It's one of the most beautiful city I'v ever seen. Take a look! It's must see
Meanwhile you can get more information about Realtyna and Real Estate in Dubai from my colleagues weblog that are shown at the right side in my page.

Monday, September 8, 2008


I found some interesting rules about Real Estate Commission in Realtyna. They are difference from the others country and also they have some interesting choices. I'm updating my knowledge about this case and will inform you.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

We reached some result!

Today, Mr. Ali set a Realtyna virtual office up in webex. I think work in these site is more easier than the other especialy in task management part.
Menawhile, I prepared first draft of procedure cycle in Realtyna for begining the CRM.
Good Luck

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Project Manager

Today, The engineering team worked on CRM system and Task Manager. I think it was a good move for starting. An internal task manager system is one of our most important requirments.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I'm oNe of ThEm!

I joined to Realtyna since last month. Realtyna is a real state broker in UAE and has activities in different areas like Dubai, Ajman and Abu Dhabi. I'm going to post new entry everyday and hope It can help you!